Saturday, October 4, 2008

hey kids! im glad to see that a bunch of you have joined the blog! be sure to keep up with it and look for fun opportunities as well!!

thanks so much!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

the ten GREENEST schools in america!

hey yall! be sure to check out this website as well!!

Renewable Energy, Green Collar Jobs at Risk

hey yall! heres a link mrs goodman sent me!

Renewable Energy, Green Collar Jobs at Risk
Congress is about to pull the plug on our renewable energy program and endanger thousands of jobs! Some 115,000 renewable energy workers - performing vital green jobs - may be thrown out of work and hundreds of wind and solar projects put on ice unless Congress renews significant incentives for renewable energy. What's causing the gridlock? Senate Republicans are insisting they want offshore oil drilling in the package; neither side is able to reconcile, producing the legislative stalemate. Earth Day founder Denis Hayes outlines the issue in this article . It's just like the Washington insiders to attach a provision that only digs us deeper into our addiction to oil - and completely ironic that they are doing it as renewable energy takes off under an existing program that receives wide public support! Offshore drilling will only add to our carbon dependency at a time when we need to construct alternative sources of energy. In 2003 - the last time Congress let incentives for renewables expire - wind turbine installations fell by 93%, and progress ground to a halt. We need wind and solar development now to help us create a new energy future! Call your member or Senator at (202) 224-3121 and tell them you want incentives for wind and solar, without an offshore oil drilling provision. Call (202) 224-3121 NOW, there isn't much time before Congress adjourns in early October! Sincerely, Kathleen Rogers

Earth Day Network - 1616 P St. NW Suite 340 - Washington DC 20036 - - ph 202.518.0044 - fax 202.518.8794


Friday, August 8, 2008

Comcast Sponsors Animal Planet Expo at Shelby Farms!

I can't believe summer is almost over! I wanted to give everyone a heads up though about an event coming up...the Animal Planet Expo at Shelby Farms!

The Expo will feature all sorts of animals and fun events- it's definitely worth checking out! I'll be finding out more to tell you about once the date gets closer, but the event will be August 23rd and the 24th from 10 am to 4 pm, so mark your calendars!

See you Wednesday :)

Friday, July 11, 2008

an interesting email i got!

Maurice Cox, Director of Design at the National Endowment for the Arts,
stressed excellence, public involvement, and education in all areas of the
arts in his talk yesterday at the Center City Commission Annual Luncheon.

He ended with these words,
"And then, lastly, the most memorable moment for me, visiting Memphis, was
looking out at your extraordinary natural resource, and that's the river.
And I would encourage you to preserve your riverfront as a public living
room of Memphis - at all costs, because the collective dignity of Memphis
begins at the river, and you should give it back to the public to whom it
rightfully belongs."

His talk and specific highlights of suggestions for Memphis are posted on
the web

Virginia McLean
President, Friends for Our Riverfront

Monday, June 16, 2008

lettuce growing..


I hope everyone is having a fabulous summer!! 

I found this article about a billboard in chicago for our favorite..McDonald's. It is made of none other than lettuce!! 

Dare we say that we actually like something from McDonalds? It's a billboard that was set up in Chicago last fall to promote their "health conscious" menu, and just won a Gold Award for Leo Burnett at the Innovative Advertising Awards. 
Fast Food News says "the creative team worked closely with a horticulturalist to create a billboard that could start with 11/2 inch spouts and grow into lush leaves. The garden appears to be safe from being plucked apart by birds because there is no place for them to perch and peck."

you can watch the billboard actually